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Hey, Australia Immigration, it’s me, Jess.

Yup, again. 

I have fully enjoyed your country while I have been here for just over 5 months. The beautiful weather, breath taking scenery and landscapes, amazing and inspiring people, delicious seafood, curious but delicious meat pies, cappuccinos on every corner and rugby games are just a few things I have delighted in while here. I don’t feel finished exploring and loving your country quite yet though.  

I understand that there is only one way for me to stay in Australia and that is through sponsorship through an employer. I feel safe blaming America’s ill fostered international relationship with Australia for the lack of other feasable options that allow me to contribute to the workforce. 

Here is the thing, I am leaving for Texas in October for my best friend’s very special wedding and I need to know if I am going to find sponsorship before I book my flight mid August.

So, here is my very specific request to the universe and God: Can you please work together to find me sponsorship as a volunteer coordinator or a project manager at a job that I love that can sponsor me in the place I am supposed to be and have this opportunity open before I buy my ticket home in August?

Some might think this is a lot to ask and perhaps being specific is not a good idea bc who gets a job they love AND sponsorship so late in the game? Well, I have been listening to inspiring and motivational goal setting lectures about the Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracey and reading and having stimulating conversations with the highly successful Life Coach Denise Duffield-Thomas and they say YES! They quote research again and again that states writing down your goals as specific as you can brings you one step closer to achieving them.

I will search, apply, call and advocate on my behalf with you on my side. I am prepared and willing to take on employment with the government and work my tushie off at work while obtaining certifications in Yoga and Life Coaching in Australia.

If this goal does not come into full fruition than I will blame nobody. I will thank the universe and God for guiding me in the direction I am supposed to be, which maybe Texas, Australia or somewhere else. I am open to change and dedicated to my goal of finding a way to get trained in Yoga and Life Coaching. Australia is my country of choice at this time. That may change, but my focus remains set. I will be a Yoga instructor by the end of 2013. I will find a Life Coaching program I want to attend. I will get sponsorship by Aug 2012.

As my new Irish friend that works at the comedy club in town said, “take a deep breathe, fight for your right to stay, know you have a specialized skill and have some faith.” Thanks random girl I called tonight to book a two spots at the upcoming comedy show.

We’ll be in touch. 

Thanks for listening,


P.S. Attached I've included some photos just to remind you of all of the fun times we've had together!

 Family visit and high five for Australia's awesomeness in front of GOMA

I never wondered what he would look like with long hair and now I never have to. 

 Amazing seafood at the Seafood Market in Sydney with Mom and Al.

 Looking like an acrobat but sweating and shaking at Currumbin Wild Life Santuary Ropes Course. 

 Special Art Show during Women's Week at the Museum! :)

 Natural Bridge with my precious Mom and GIANT brother!

 Hunter Valley Winery

 Somewhere on the Great Ocean Road

New friends who are not ready to see me go. 


  1. If make your goals real to the world by saying them out loud they will come true! Heck it worked for me! :-) It will all fall into place soon!

  2. Thanks Andrea! You are SO right!


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