I love to eat. I do it at least five times a day because I am what they call a “snacker”. I have eaten a regular American diet most of my life, which means I have excluded no food from my diet (meat, plants, sugar, cooked, raw, etc). I love the taste, texture, cultural experiences and the warmth and comfort food provides. If you know me than you know 60% of my diet consists of raw plants anyways. On my recent visit to China I have found myself re-working what my food intake and aftermath experience means to me and have come to the conclusion that food is not just good; it is fuel and my main living source and something that I love to share. I have been experiencing changes all year, included but not limited to the country I live in, the job I have, the friends I surround myself with and the places I travel (inevitable the food I eat). I have grown exponentially this year constantly challenging myself to live a different place, take different jobs, make di...